Adrianne Brennan's Book Covers

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Adrianne Brennan's newsletter update

Much apologies for the delay of this announcement but I wanted to
congratulate Gold for being the picture bio contest winner! Gold is
the recipient of a 10% discount coupon to Aphrodite's Apples books

There were many submissions and I was sad that I didn't have second
prize winners. Rest assured that this won't be the only contest,

Congrats again, Gold!! And happy reading. :D


The picture as selected from the contest can be viewed at my author bio,
located both on my website and on Aphrodite's Apples' website:


Aphrodite's Apples chats!

We have a publisher chat scheduled this Thursday, October 5th at 9 pm EDT.


The chat room is very easy to find from there!


We are scheduled again next month: Wednesday, November 8th at 9 pm EDT.

October 9th, Monday
Aphrodite's Apples Live Publisher Chat
The Romance Studio

From here on out, TRS has us scheduled for the first Monday of every month thereafter,
so mark November 6th, December 4th, etc at same time, same place! ;)

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