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Monday, November 24, 2008

Cocktail Reviews gives both Blood and Mint Chocolates and Blood of the Dark Moon EXCELLENT reviews!

Cocktail Reviews gives Blood of the Dark Moon a bottle of champagne review! In their rating system, this is higher than five champagne flutes. WOW. I'm so thrilled that they liked it that much!

Here's a quote: "Blood of the Dark Moon is a well-written, wonderful tale of intrigue, vampirism, love, tragedy, a thickening plot, and fast-paced action. I LOVED this book and was a little lost when it ended! Encore! Encore!"

To read more of the review, go here:

For more information on this upcoming release and/or to pre-order, click here:

And I have to say, Cocktail Reviews is really enjoying the Dark Moon series thus far--and I couldn't be more excited! They gave Blood and Mint Chocolates a 5 Flute Champagne review!

Here's a quote: "I was fulfilled with another great read from Ms. Brennan.... A steamy tale, one you won't want to miss if you're a vampire fan."

To read more of this review, go here:

To learn more about this release and/or to purchase, go here:

Heck, after these reviews I'M going to be opening up a bottle of champagne! Thanks, Cocktail Reviews! :)

Love & Magic,

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fantastic reviews for Blood and Mint Chocolates!

A five star reader review was posted to Freya's Bower for Blood and Mint Chocolates!

"Blood and Mint chocolates is a very entertaining novella. Its premise is original and its characters are well drawn and interesting.... I was extremely glad that there is more to come...."

You can read the rest here:

Blood and Mint Chocolates is getting good reader reviews on Goodreads too:

"The combination of heat and playfulness between the two main characters in the book were a delight. I am looking forward to reading more stories from this milieu from Ms. Brennan."

You can read more here:

For more information on this f/f vampire/paranormal erotic romance novella and how to purchase, go here:

For more reviews, go here:

Love & Magic,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Book trailer, plus buy links!

Here's the embedded video (it's worksafe) book trailer for Blood and Mint Chocolates and Blood of the Dark Moon:

A much better quality video is here:

Blood and Mint Chocolates is out now! You can order it online here:

Blood of the Dark Moon is out on Dec 2nd and is available for pre-order here:

Love & Magic,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Book trailer for Blood of the Dark Moon & Blood and Mint Chocolates!

Emmy from FB does it again! Check out her lovely handiwork from one of these links:

YouTube (compressed, low quality):
From my site (high quality):

Love & Magic,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Have a taste of Blood and Mint Chocolates - released TODAY!

Freya's Bower has released my novella within the Dark Moon series, Blood and Mint Chocolates!

You can learn more about this book and/or purchase it here.

You can also read reviews of this novella here:

    Merideth, a vampire and librarian, spends most of her nights researching and book collecting for Clan Gladius within the Order of the Dragon and the Rose. Much to her surprise, the head of Clan Gladius unexpectedly presents her with a luxurious gift: a trip to stay at Hotel Paradisio at Crystal Island!

    The heat is on at the island resort under moonlit skies and palm trees. The tropical heat quickly transforms into a scorching hot time that will be seared into her memory forever when she runs into her long time crush, Kalia. Merideth is presented with a gift from a goddess which allows her to experience in reality her deepest fantasies, which existed before in dreams alone. But can their passion survive the intrigue and potential dangers that await them, or will it only last as long as her vacation?

    A steaming romance between two women and occult intrigue set the stage for the future of the Dark Moon series. The world of the Order of the Dragon and the Rose is about to change, and Blood and Mint Chocolates is a small taste of what's to come.

To read an excerpt, go here:

Love & Magic,

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Wow--I've been nominated for 2 REC awards!

I’m up for best erotic romance paranormal and best erotic romance paranormal author for the year!

You can see the polls here:

Thanks to whomever nominated me, and good luck to everyone else who has been nominated!

Love & Magic,


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