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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interview w/me + last chance to enter to win Immortal Fire Anthology with Dawn of the Seraphs in PRINT!

Here’s an interview with me and a chance to win the Immortal Fire anthology, including my work Dawn of the Seraphs, in PRINT! This is the last week to enter!

That’s right, folks…Dawn of the Seraphs, an m/m paranormal/sci-fi/erotic romance will be made available in print in the Immortal Fire anthology on!

Details on how to enter to win are at the bottom of the interview. Good luck!

More information on Dawn of the Seraphs is in the interview plus here:

Friday, September 11, 2009

GREAT NEWS! The Oath, Book 3: Broken out in TWO WEEKS! BDSM/paranormal/fantasy

For those of you who have eagerly awaiting the next installment of The Oath series, Book 3 will be out September 22nd!

Book 3 entitled Broken explores further the adventures of Lila and the demon who was summoned in the rite from the last book. What will transpire between her and Asmodion, and what trials yet await her?

You can pre-order the book here:

You can read more here:

Love & Magic,

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