Adrianne Brennan's Book Covers

Adrianne Brennan's books on

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oct and Nov events now posted on site, plus updates on Dark Moon series!

Check it out:

November’s will be the one to be under high amounts of change no doubt, but do tune in to October! I have one booksigning taking place on Oct 26 in Cambridge, MA. Stop on by and get the last of the out of print copies of Blood of the Dark Moon while supplies last and before its re-release! You never know…could be worth lots of money someday. ;)

Also, Oct 1 is busy, busy, busy for me. I’ll be not on one or two but THREE loop chats throughout the day! Do stop on by any of them and find out the latest in the Dark Moon series.

I also want to give a heads-up: just about finishing editing Blood and Mint Chocolates, and Shadows of the Dark Moon is also underway. Blood and Mint Chocolates takes place in between the two books and has a few important plot details amidst lots of really sexy vampire girl action! Shadows of the Dark Moon is where the battle between the Order of the Dragon and the Rose and the Order of the Golden Cross really heats up…along with Amanda and Jesse’s relationship.

In the meantime, Blood of the Dark Moon is now in the editing stage with my editor. Once that finishes up, we’ll have some idea of its release date.

So, stay tuned, watch this space, you get the idea. ;)

Love & Magic,



Joy said...

Thankss for writing this

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