Adrianne Brennan's Book Covers

Adrianne Brennan's books on

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The book signing party!

On the whole, a very successful event. Despite the conflict with a major goth club night that evening, about twenty people showed up.

The first--and earliest--to arrive was none other than Mike Gleason, who had reviewed my book and wanted the chance to meet me! I was pretty psyched, not to mention flattered. Very nice guy. We babbled for a while on trad paganism and cats and I've decided quite naturally that he's good people.

A bunch of other people arrived, some of whom I knew from meeting them at other places, some who were good friends of mine, and others whom I had never before met but wanted to check out my book. We all had a great time, and a LOT of wine was consumed. I was greatly amused to find that much of the soda I purchased was barely touched, but I think about 7-8 wine bottles went buh-bye. In fact, someone had to go out and buy more wine! LOL LOL

It was a lot of fun, and something I'd definitely do again.

And as suspected (and secretly hoped) I have some books leftover from the event, so I will be attending other parties with them and I suspect will make a few sales. Just call me Your Local Vampire Smut Vendor.




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