Adrianne Brennan's Book Covers

Adrianne Brennan's books on

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Blood of the Dark Moon booksigning @ Mass Morgue 2008 in Cambridge MA Oct 26th!

Reposting since it's been a while since I announced this event!

I'll be signing out of print copies of my book, Blood of the Dark Moon, the first in the Dark Moon series, at Mass Morgue 2008 in Cambridge, MA! The event takes place on Oct 26th from 7:30pm - midnight.

The flyer and press release are on my website here:

Feel free to take a look! Lots of great bands and vendors are going to be there. :)

For more info, go here:

Also, still taking submissions from local crafts and vendors for prize drawing submissions. Please email me at if you're interested!

Love & Magic,


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