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Thursday, March 24, 2011

With increased daylight comes increased joy

Spring equinox has finally arrived (but here in Boston and in a few other parts of the northeast you'd never know it), and it's time to well, enjoy longer days and increasingly warmer weather. And for those of you who celebrate, a Happy Spring Equinox and/or Mabon to you!

What do you look forward most to at this time of year? What do you dislike? I personally could live without daylight savings, but beyond that I am always eager for more sunlight and warmer weather. I think I'm living in the wrong climate! I am glad for (eventually) having no more snow, no more shoveling, breaking out the t-shirts and shorts and going out for runs outdoors.

Is spring your thing? 

Love & Magic,


mshatch said...

I am so happy to have more daylight. I'm actually starting to feel a bit more like myself. These winters are beginning to do me in!

Unknown said...

I'm with you!

Now, I need increased warmth. D:

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